Ułatwienia dostępu
W dniu 20.03. 2012 r. już po raz drugi odbył się Szkolny Konkurs na Najciekawsze Opowiadanie w Języku Angielskim zorganizowany przez p. Dominikę Maciejowską i p.Izabelę Targosz-Chrapek. W konkursie wzięło udział 26 uczniów z klas pierwszych, drugich oraz klas maturalnych LO i T. Uczestnicy konkursu otrzymali trzy tematy, z których należało wybrać jeden. Temat pierwszy to początek opowiadania (He sat down, unable to believe what had happened…”) do którego trzeba było dopisać resztę historii. Drugi temat to zakończenie opowiadania („How could I have been so wrong?”.). Natomiast trzeci temat to praca pt. „The most mysterious day/night of my life” Piszący musieli wykazać się znajomością struktur leksykalno – gramatycznych, wyszukanym słownictwem jak również kreatywnością.
Najlepsi okazali się:
1. Paulina Polanek kl. 3 aLO
2. Anna Górka kl. 2 aLO
3. Martyna Kula kl. 2 aLO
Wszystkim uczestnikom dziekujemy za udział a zwycięzcom gratulujemy. Poniżej zamieszczamy zwycięskie opowiadanie.
„The most mysterious day of my life”
It was 7 p.m. on my clock. I got up and took shower. Then I made my favourite salad on breakfast. I was so tired. Yesterday I had got an awful day at my work. After eating breakfast I went to the park. There was quiet and beautiful. ( I’ve always loved that place. When I am there I can think about my life, problems, work…). The sun was shining and birds singing. Suddenly, somebody pushed me and I fell down. When I got up, I saw a woman. She was wearing a strange black dress, big brown hat and she had got dirty boots. Actually, she looked like a witch. The whole situation was quite strange. When I noticed that she was running, I started to chase her. She entered a small old cottage and I went after her. (I thought that she was living there.) I stopped in front of the black door. I was scared but…I tried to push the door. When they opened slowly, I saw a dark, long corridor. It was dirty and smelled terribly. I was going to get out of there but I heard something behind the second door. Carefully I opened that door and saw four people dressed up in weird clothes… They were eating spiders and fried mice. I was so amazed that I could not say any word. After few minutes one of them noticed me and asked “ What are you doing here? May I help you? “ I didn’t say anything. The only thing I was thinking about was running ahead. When I got out of this house I came across a big fat cat with red eyes. I was running fast… When I came back to my flat I was still terrified. I thought to myself “ It must have been an awful dream…” but the reality was different. It was the most mysterious day of my life.
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