W dniu 10.03. 2011r. odbył się Szkolny Konkurs na Najciekawsze Opowiadanie w Języku Angielskim zorganizowany przez p. Dominikę Maciejowską i p. Izabelę Targosz-Chrapek. W konkursie wzięło udział 30 uczniów z klas pierwszych, drugich oraz klas maturalnych LO i T. Uczestnicy konkursu otrzymali dwa tematy z których należało wybrać jeden. Temat pierwszy to początek opowiadania (
So far, everything had gone according to his plans. He closed the door and was just about to run to his car when suddenly...) do którego trzeba było dopisać resztę historii. Natomiast temat drugi to zakończenie opowiadania (
She knew the events of the day would change her life forever.). Piszący musieli wykazać się znajomością gramatyki, struktur i słownictwa w języku angielskim, jak również inwencją twórczą. Najlepsi okazali się:
- Gabriela Włoszek kl. 2aLO
- Jakub Krzywolak kl.3dLO
- Marlena Bartuś kl. 3bLO
otrzymali oni nagrody rzeczowe oraz celujące oceny z przedmiotu.
Poniżej zamieszczamy zwycięskie opowiadanie.
So far, everything had gone according to his plans. He closed the door and was just about to run to his car when suddenly he saw something strange... There was a paper lying under his car with the sign: "We know you and we like you. You'll see that we'll meet tonight." Jason was scared. He didn't know who had written this but he thought that it couldn't have been important. He had a meeting in his job, so he didn't want to be late. He got into the car, closed the door and ran his car. He had been working for the company for five years and it was all his life.
While he was driving to work, he saw an enormous billboard with the sign: "You are not alone. We are watching you." Jason stopped his car and thought that something was wrong...He was thinking about it all the time while he was driving to work.
When Jason got there, nobody was in the company but everything was opened. He wanted to call the police but the phone was off. Jason decided to check what was going on...
He checked the rooms and went to a basement...He turned the light on and saw an empty room with a box in the middle of it. There was a sign on the box: " Open it". Jason thought that it was a sort of a game. When he opened it, he found a letter:
"Dear Jason,
We know that you don't know what is going on but don't be afraid. We have a surprise for you but you must play with us. Are you scared? If you aren't, you should be... Bye."
Jason was shocked. He couldn't believe it. He decided to finish this scary game...He went to his office, it was completely empty too, so Jason drove to his house. He wanted to take a rest and forget about this case.
When he opened the door, he saw all the staff from the company. Jason said: " What are you doing here!?" They answered: "Don't you know? Today is your birthday! We made you a little surprise". It was like a crime fiction. "Anyway, happy birthday, Jason! "